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Skansens Bataljon

Skanseguttenes Forening

har besøkt sidene, fra mai 2004.
Verdens stiligste buekorps
stiftet 22. mai 1860

About Skansens Battalion

You may know that the ‘buekorps’ (corps of bows) have a long tradition in Bergen, and Skansens Battalion is one of the oldest. It was founded on 22 nd May 1860 and has for many years been one of the biggest and the smartest of the ‘buekorps’. Over the years average membership has been in excess of 60, but we have room for many more.

The ‘Buekorps’ season is filled with fun activities. It only last from February to June, which makes it easy to combine ‘buekorps’ attendance with other leisure activities, a combination many of our members enjoy.

During the season, activities take place every Saturday afternoon; although for some of the season there are additional parade and drumming practices which take place on a weekday. During practice the boys march through the Skansen area, in preparation for the major parades in May. In addition, there are sports days, joint marching with other ‘buekorps’, participation in the 17 th of May procession, yearly celebration of the ‘buekorps’ anniversary, visits to cinemas and much, much more. But Skansens Battalion doesn’t only provide activities for its members during the season, there are clubs, cinema visits and other activities throughout the year. Skansens Battalion arranges regular trips abroad, which are very popular, and also an end of season day trip.

For every year you are a member you receive a ribbon which is attached to your uniform. After five years membership you may receive a silver medal, if your conduct has been honourable. In addition, every year the best soldier will receive a medal, and the best drummer and most improved beginner will each receive a trophy. All soldiers can put their names forward for the yearly election of under officers, and if you work hard you can quickly get promoted through the ranks.

As you can see, the wide variety of activities offers something for everyone. Whilst marching through the town’s streets is closely linked to the buekorps’ tradition and purpose, it is far from the only activity. As a member you will get to know many other children; Skansens Battalion often forms the basis for long-lasting friendships. It offers a good alternative to other leisure activities, its rich tradition combined with the safe and friendly environment, provides members with an enjoyable atmosphere in which to value friendships.

Skansens Battalion; organisation and management

The ‘buekorps’ distinguish themselves from other leisure clubs and activities by their organization. The managers must begin their membership as soldiers or drummers, and then be promoted through the ranks to under-officers and later officers.

The Governing Body consists of Skansens’ twelve officers, and this committee manages Skansens activities and members. The officers are elected by the members every autumn, for a period of twelve months. Skansens’ leader is also the leader of the committee, the treasurer, the secretary, the quarter master, and the flag officer is elected from the other committee members.

The Governing Body is the highest authority in Skansens Battalion and all its decisions are final. The Governing Body must act in accordance with Skansens’ rules and regulations, but has the authority to change these rules and regulations if deemed necessary. However, such changes are rare as these regulations reflect the traditional principles and values which form the foundation for Skansens Battalion.

The Skanseboys Association consists of previously active members, the so-called ‘old-boys’. This association provides a forum for keeping in touch with the buekorps, something ex-members greatly value. These ‘old-boys’ take on the role of leaders on the trips abroad. The Skanseboy Association has no influence on the Governing Body, but works independently to support it as and when requested to by the Governing Body.

Skansens Battalion is managed by the members themselves, without adult interference, but with the support from previously active members when required.

If you would like more information about Skansens Battalion please e-mail webmaster@skansensbataljon. We regret that we can only reply to enquiries in Norwegian or English.

Jannice og Anne Alvær

© 2000-2006 Skansens Bataljon & Skanseguttenes Forening,
Skansen Brannstasjon, Øvre Blekevei 1, 5018 Bergen.

Design og drift Lars Petter Jørgensen
Lyst å bli skansegutt?
Meld deg inn i verdens stiligste buekorps; Skansens Bataljon. Hos oss får du være med på
mye moro!

[Les mer]

Korpsets navn er Skansens Bataljon, og dets formål er å samle gutter i godt kameratskap, samt å oppdra dem til veldisiplinerte gutter, som likeledes blir øvet i eksersis og idrett.

§1 Lover for Skansens Bataljon.

Hva er så lystelig å gå som marsjparaden oppå Skansen, hvor Fløyfjell skuer ned derpå, og skogens trær, de vakter står. Mens fanegarden bærer de gamle faner frem og hjem, de unge med geværer alltid ring vil slå om dem.

1. vers "Marsj for Skansens